David Boone on the set of the film "Everyman" (photo by Kevin West)
Boone memorial
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August 3, 2001: David Boone, among the most influential of an earlier
generation of Austin filmmakers, died last Saturday of a heart attack. He
leaves a wife and two children. He was 47. David's Super-8mm masterpiece
Invasion of the Aluminum People defined a period of Austin films, along with
the late Brian Hansen's Speed of Light (co-written by Paul Cullum, who just
helped Harry Knowles write his book, due out next March), Neil Ruttenberg's
Mask of Sarnath, and Tom Huckabee's Death of Jim Morrison (which starred the
late Jeff Whittington). Invasion was shot in Dallas, but that's another
story. David worked on many other films and projects, as well as becoming an
access personality. More important, David ran with a gang of filmmakers that
included, at one time or another, Hansen, Kirk Hunter, Kevin West, and
Marcus Van Bavel, among others, who were always up to one inspired,
seriously whacked adventure or another. David was a very large Peter Pan to
as unlikely a group of Lost Boys as might be assembled. At least some of
this was owed to his love of life, good-natured, and
rational force in the midst of much madness.
But Invasion's inspired influence will forever be the first thing attributed
to David. Jonathan Demme sponsored a showing of Austin shorts in New York
City inspired by it and used a clip in Something Wild. Invasion was that
unexpected and imaginative, suggesting that independent filmmaking shouldn't
respect insipid boundaries. David was an old friend whom I ran into only
occasionally. The last time, he seemed in an especially good mood, back
working on Midnight Taco, a new movie with Hunter. We talked briefly, comic
books and movies ... family. I didn't realize it would be our last meeting.
The Chronicle staff and family offer our love and heartfelt condolences.

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